FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL Bargain Hunters and Bargain Franchise are the base structure of a global home investors club consortium. We provide the ways and the means for homebuyers to acquire homes, and for home sellers to sell homes as equity trades that guarantee each trader a capital gain. Our quest is to make homes affordable and available to humanity, regardless of age, income, credit history, employment, and country of origin or residence. Our mission is to rebuild a free world economy, by capital infusion, and rebuilding one home economy at a time.
To make it any plainer than that is to actualize the expression, ‘your home is your bank’, in which everyone is facilitated to invest. You invest income in your home simply because your home provides your greatest security, both financial and economical! We will facilitate you to put as much as $1M USD into your home, and we do so by sponsorship employment…giving you a practicum to do, that brings you the income to payoff your home investment. You earn money just for being a referral member, and you may put the money that you earn into your home or into your income or both. You could also use the money you earn to develop any type of business of your choice.
The Bargain Franchise facilitates the members’ home buying by coordinating the appropriation of leveraged dollars, to collateralize the acquisition, and to guarantee the home down payment and mortgage note. You literally join the ranks of the wealthy middle class, once you are a member of the Club, and membership can be accessed through the purchase of a HOW-TO e-Book, or by submission of any one of our enrollment forms. Membership is only granted, if you affirm what you want to do.
The purchase of e-Books is the most common indication of what you want to do, but the enrollment form on the ABOUT-US page is much more specific. In either case, you will not be billed for membership unless you tell us what you want to do. Your membership subscriptions are you coaching/consulting retainer for routine and general coach/consulting services. You learn the theory and apply the practical “Practicum” immediately on receipt of your membership commitment. This process is dynamic, you must be doing something to acquire Club Membership because: Club Membership gives you access to earn two hundred fifty thousand dollars gross annual, regardless of your reason for joining. This is your bargain franchise in action: by continuously investing in friendships, and referrals, you reap the richest rewards.
NOTE: The Bargain Franchise is the exercise of membership in homebuyers and jobs clubs that are parts of the FRIENDSFORLIFE umbrella. Under this umbrella there are many services and product suppliers, with which you may develop individual links and exchanges. These Bargain Franchises may also be eligible for numerous types of small-business grant funding, once they have met small business criterion. Our primary objective is to facilitate your transformation and your becoming a business entity!